BMW 7 Series Launch:
Digital Experience
Creative Direction
Launched January 2009, the 7 Series experience site unveiled the innovative flagship vehicle through a premuim, HD video platform. Every detail of the car was highlighted through videos and full screen photo galleries highlighting the vehicle’s luxury and performance features. As the creative lead for BMW’s flagship vehicle launch, I led the project at every step from concept & design to completion, working with a team of developers, junior designers, producers, and outside vendors including two video crews (Reality Pictures and the renowned Filmotechnic/Russian Arm crew), The Famous Group for postproduction, and Yessian to create original music for the site.
The BMW 7 Speaks for Itself concept was the first full screen video exploration of a vehicle in BMW history. I directed the shoot for both the site videos as well as the Driver’s Guide DVD (which comes with the car when purchased).
BMW 7 Series Performance
BMW 7 Series Interior Entertainment
The Shoot:
The 7 Series running footage shoot took place in the mountains of North Carolina for 4 days. I worked with the directors from Reality pictures as well as the Russian Arm team to capture a variety of driving footage: performance, handling, scenic, as well as instrument functionality.
Owner's Gift:
What do we send 7 Series owners that is evocative of their vehicle? What captures the spirit of “never standing still?”
When it comes to Idea Class industry leaders, past achievements aren’t nearly as relevant as the future puzzles still left to be solved. In a 12-chapter book (each chapter = an unsolved question), achievers in varying fields speak to the big questions as yet unsolved. With all of the content informed by TED, these questions would span medicine, energy, mathematics, and more. Moderated by a selected thought leader or someone in BMW Research & Development, the individuals interviewed in each chapter would not only explain each unanswered problem, but more importantly, speak to why these problems must be solved now.
Examples of imminent achievements:
• String Theory
• $100 laptop
• Affordable space flight
• Future of mobility (ex:100 mpg car)
• Future city scape
• Theory of Everything
Execution: Owners would receive a high-end tabletop box with one card for each problem and a blank for the owner to write in the date with each big question is solved. Depending on the production schedule of the car, the boxes could come with all chapters, or “what’s next” could be issued in chapter-by-chapter installments while owners wait for their vehicles. The boxes would be personalized with the owners name and purchase date.